Michael Jackson: King of Lame Excuses

No More Enablers, Lies, or Self-delusion

I’m sure many people say that Michael Jackson should be remembered for his music and not his offstage activities. I wonder if they also hope that John Wayne Gacy is remembered for his outstanding work as an artist and his amazing performances as “Pogo” the clown. We shouldn’t judge his life based on his rape and murder of 33 boys and young men. It’s the art and performances that count. As long as artists entertain our fat, pampered asses, that’s all that matters. Entertain me, make me feel good, or cause me to have a strong emotion that strengthens my attachment to you and you’ll get a free pass.

Being famous and making you feel good are not reasons to give someone a free pass. Some people need to be shaken until their brains start working. They need to wake up out of their trances and finally see through that cloud of dancing elephants, unicycle riding monkeys, and flying unicorns farting glitter and rainbows that mentally swirl around in front of their eyes 24 hours a day.

The sad thing about M.J. is the waste. He had the potential to really change the world like he claimed he wanted to, but instead, like many others before him, let fame and money influence him so much that instead of his life being a tribute to his greatness, he became the poster boy for freakiness.

And for some of you dimwits whining about respecting the deceased, the dead don’t deserve any more respect than they did when they were alive. Now dying to save somebody might earn you some respect. For example, if you jump on a grenade and save many lives, you deserve some respect. But M.J. didn’t jump on any grenade. It seemed to be the meaningless death of another drug addict.

Some of you are also saying that he was always a positive influence. So smashing windows was a good influence? Simulating masturbation in public was a good influence? Letting doctors hack away at his face until he no longer looked human was a good influence? Inappropriately sleeping in the same bed with teens and preteens that he wasn’t related to was a good influence? You either get it or you don’t, so I guess many of you are lost to the sane world. You’re off in some magical land where up is down, water is fire, and Christmas is meatloaf.

Face the Music

Most everyone agrees that Michael Jackson was Off the Wall, but was he Bad? If Michael occasionally seduced a 12 or 13 year old P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) and said to him “They Don’t Care About Us,” “Baby Be Mine,” “Give In To Me,” and “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You,” that would mean that Michael really was Dangerous, especially if his motto was “Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough.” If Michael was a hebephile, most of The Lost Children probably stayed silent because they were paid off, Threatened, and told to keep it In the Closet. If guilty, Michael Jackson might have felt like a Smooth Criminal, but no matter how Invincible he thought he was, the victims that haven’t died from cancer will eventually Come Together and Scream and Shout so the truth will finally be known and that will put the nuttiest fans of Michael Jackson in a permanent State Of Shock.

Michael used to say “Leave Me Alone,” but if he was molesting boys in the Privacy of his own home, Don’t Walk Away. If undeniable proof is discovered that he was not Just Good Friends with several pubescent boys over the years, I’m pretty sure that Michael would have said “I Can’t Help It” and blame it on Human Nature and his Childhood, but with all of the resources available to him, he could have gotten help instead of using his money to feed his possible boy hungry habit.

Millions of people wonder why Michael couldn’t look at the Man In The Mirror if he was guilty and choose to help Heal the World by telling the truth instead of Working Day And Night to hide his possible lusty ‘loving’ acts of evil with denials and attacks.

Not Guilty Does Not Mean Innocent

M.J. won. That proves he’s innocent, right? Wrong. Not guilty does not mean innocent. Plenty of innocent people go to prison and a lot of guilty people are set free. If Michael Jackson is sexually attracted to certain types of boys, he might choose low-class, money-grubbing grifter families as victims since they’d be less likely to sue him (their hands would be just as dirty as his own). Pay them hush money and the problem is usually solved. If you live that type of life, you’re going to end up in court sooner or later no matter how careful you are in choosing your victims. If you are dragged into court and you’re rich and famous, there’s a good chance you’ll be found ‘not guilty’ since the trashy family you groomed will rub the jury the wrong way. If the object is to stay out of prison, you win either way.

I have been told that I should admit that I was wrong because the win in 2005 proves that Michael is innocent of all crimes. His nuttier fans are capable of believing a lot of crazy things, but if they believe that, they really are just a bunch of starstruck simpletons. He was not pronounced innocent of all crimes, he was only found not guilty in this case and that was because the jury didn’t have enough credible evidence. Unless Michael is caught molesting a boy on video, he will probably never be convicted.

Although the jury found him not guilty in 2005, no one really knows what happened since we were not with him 24 hours a day. We can’t say that he is 100 percent guilty or innocent. We can lean one way or the other based on his actions and to me his actions point towards the guilty side (no matter what the jury said). Some nutty MJ fans tell me that I have no right to have an opinion that is opposite of theirs. That’s just crazy. Some of those nutty fans also write the most judgmental stuff: they judge me, this page, my whole web site (over 150 pages), and everyone and everything they don’t agree with, then they have the nerve to say that they don’t judge. They’re highly judgmental of just about everyone except Michael. A few fans ask me why Michael Jackson would risk everything he has to molest young teenage boys and I say that he wouldn’t be the first celebrity who thinks he can get away with just about anything.

Below are random thoughts I’ve had over the years about Michael Jackson’s actions (this page was created long before Michael’s child molestation trial). If you don’t agree with my opinions, that’s too bad. Some of you nuttier fans are going to have a stroke if you can’t accept the fact that others can have a different opinion than yours. Don’t worry, the world will keep turning even if you don’t have absolute power over the thoughts of others. Scream and cry and cuss and make all of the threats you want, but it won’t change the fact that some of you are just as scummy as the parents who let Michael sleep with their kids for money.

Blinded by Fame

If a man you don’t know moved in down the street from you and wanted to ‘innocently’ sleep with certain young boys in your neighborhood, including your own 13 year old son, I bet you would think that something strange was going on. It doesn’t matter if he seems to be the nicest, most childlike, most innocent guy in the world, it’s not appropriate. You may ask, “but what if he didn’t have a normal childhood, what if he slept in the same bed with his brothers his whole life, what if he was mentally and physically abused from an early age by controlling parents?” No matter what excuse you give, it’s not a good idea. Common sense should tell you that it’s inappropriate and very strange for a grown man to spend so much time trying to entice little boys into his bedroom. If Michael was mentally handicapped and had the mind of a 5 year old boy in an adult body, it would still be inappropriate.

Can some of you understand now that the only reason why you trust Michael Jackson completely is because of his fame? It doesn’t matter if his music makes you feel good. It doesn’t matter how talented he is (or was). It doesn’t matter if he’s rich and gives money to charities. Some of you need to snap out of your trance and stop allowing yourselves to be hypnotized by fame. Use the common sense God gave you. You don’t have to be a genius to recognize obvious signs that should alert any sane person. In the world we live in today, you don’t need a sick mind to understand that children shouldn’t help a strange man or family acquaintance find a lost puppy, take candy or gifts from him, get in his car, or get in his bed. You might think that you know Michael Jackson and can trust him since you’ve seen him on TV so many times that he seems like a part of your family, but you don’t know him. Even if you’ve met him in person (whether it was 5 minutes or 5 hours), you still don’t know him.

Saint Michael?

Many people act like Michael Jackson is a saint who would never lie about anything, but he denied for years that he had any plastic surgery. Sounds like a lie. He said in the famous 2003 60 Minutes interview that the cops hurt his shoulders when he was arrested and he couldn’t lift his arms, but he clearly did lift at least one arm during the interview and he also waved and gave the peace sign days before. Looks like a lie. Michael said in that same interview that there was “doo-doo” on the floor, walls, and ceiling of the restroom he used and that he was locked in there for 45 minutes, but that doesn’t make any sense if you’ve seen news footage of the inside of the place and understand that Michael was only there for about an hour. Smells like a lie. And those are just a few examples, so can you understand that he’s not a saint and that he does lie?

All we seem to hear over the years are lies and lame excuses from Michael and his camp, but many of his fans still scream that he is the next best thing to Jesus. You don’t have to believe that Michael Jackson is innocent to like his music. Separate the music from the man. Even if he finally admits on National TV that he is a child molester, you don’t have to throw out his CDs. Yes, I know, some of you are probably sitting there screaming, “but he is innocent, you stinky doo-doo head!” You cannot say that Michael is 100 percent or 1,000 percent innocent unless you have been with him 24 hours a day.

Michael Jackson’s Actions

Based on a letter I wrote in 1993

I’ve been a Michael Jackson fan for most of my life, but I’d like to point out a few things that many fans refuse to think about.

Some fans say that since Michael has done so much good, there’s no way he could ever do anything wrong. Don’t they know that a person can do good things in public and do bad things in private?

Some fans say Michael is a good role model even though he admitted on a TV special that his music makes him grab his crotch in public. He claims he has no control over it. If he’s not lying, what else doesn’t he have control over? His grabbing and massaging of his crotch on stage and in videos seems to be getting worse. There’s no excuse for it, especially in front of the children of the world he supposedly loves so much.

Why is Michael sleeping with children and showing them R-rated movies like The Exorcist? What is this leading up to? He’s gone from crotch-grabbing to simulated masturbation to sleeping with children and showing them harmful movies. What’s next? Why do so many of us seem to ignore or approve of this behavior?

I hope Michael Jackson hasn’t been ‘bad,’ but if he has, I hope he gets some help instead of denying everything as usual.

Oh Brother

Whenever Michael gets into some kind of trouble, one of his brothers seems go on every TV news show to say that people should not judge Michael for what he does, they should only judge him by his music. That makes no sense. If a famous, beloved singer/songwriter decides to go on a killing spree, are we supposed to ignore his crimes because he produced a few good albums?

Another repeated request is for people and the press to leave Michael alone, as if he’s the only celebrity that gets a lot of attention. All celebrities get way too much attention and celebrities that tend to act a little more out of the ordinary get even more attention. That shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. The fact that the press likes to build people up and then knock them down again shouldn’t be a surprise either. You just have to live your life the best way you can and try to avoid dangling babies, molesting children, and having your nose fall off.

Another claim is that so much of the negative stuff about Michael is because he’s black. There are probably hate groups out there that would like to hurt him, but most of it is because he is one of the most famous people of the last four decades of the twentieth century. That’s combined with the fact that he doesn’t act in a traditional way. Most people who are unusual tend to get negative feedback. A few years in an American public school can make that painfully obvious.

Doesn’t anyone remember the first half of the 1990s? Negative stories about Roseanne Barr, or whatever her name is this week, seemed to be everywhere. Roseanne is not black as far as I know and she’s not the only non-black celebrity who has had press problems over the years. All of this whining about people picking on Michael Jackson just because he’s black is silly. They pick on him because he’s famous, he does strange things, and the stories sell.

Baby Dangling

The Michael Jackson camp claimed for a while that he understands it was a mistake to do what he did, but later, they changed their story and tried to claim that it wasn’t a big deal since it happened so fast and he had a tight grip.

Michael’s friends and relatives repeated in various interviews that he had a tight grip on the baby. It doesn’t matter how tight Michael thought he was holding the baby, mistakes can happen. That was unnecessary endangerment and blaming it on the fact that he is impulsive and was caught up in the moment is a poor excuse. They also claim that some people throw babies up in the air, so he should be excused. How stupid do they think we are? The deplorable act of another does not excuse your own. Some people do all kinds of terrible things to children, does that make it OK for everyone else to do the same?

Michael Jackson actually said, in the famous Bashir interview that he has seen people flip their kids up in the air (doing somersaults) and then catch them. I’ve never seen anyone do that to a baby, and if he has, he should have contacted the authorities. Whether or not it’s true, the fact that ignorant people may throw their babies in the air does not excuse Michael Jackson’s actions.

I’m sure if anyone gets caught on tape flipping a small baby in the air (doing somersaults), the news media will be all over it. It was a stupid thing to do and Michael’s camp should stop comparing his stupid act with those committed by others as if that somehow pardons him. The more famous you are, the more people make a big deal about things, but even regular people get thrust into the national spotlight when they get caught on tape doing something really stupid or illegal. Remember the woman who beat the crap out of her kid in a parking lot? That story was in the news for at least a month, and that’s just one example.

Not only did Michael Jackson make a mistake, but he also banged the baby’s legs on the railing on the way down and at least one of them on the way back up. He should do like anyone who gets caught on tape doing something stupid and just apologize and stop making lame excuses.

Michael claims that the news media made it sound like he was just dangling his baby for no reason, but every news channel I watched showed the crowd below. Does he not understand that dangling a baby over a railing is wrong, with or without a crowd?

On his rebuttal show on FOX, Michael says that he did the same thing with his other children, but that’s a lie because he did not dangle his other children over the railing. They showed a clip of him carrying one of the children to the balcony and then back in again. He did not dangle his other children and if he did, that would have made even bigger news since they are heavier than a baby. I have no idea why he would think that saying he did the same thing with his other children would make things OK. It would make things worse if he did that.

As he did with his other children, he could have shown the baby to the crowd by just walking out on the balcony with the baby in his arms and there would have been no problems.

Pajama Time

On March 10, 2005 Michael showed up late to court in pajama bottoms claiming to have a hurt back. Anyone who has had a hurt back knows from experience that you can’t repeatedly shake your head ‘yes’ and twist left and right and quickly jerk around to wave at people like Michael did on the way into court. He then put on his stiff ‘in pain’ act as he entered the building. He is so fake and transparent that it is not even funny, it’s sickening. People who cannot see through his B.S. by now do not deserve the oxygen they are breathing. From spider bites to back pain, it seems there’s always a health problem whenever it’s advantageous.

Surgery and Skin Color

Michael Jackson denied that he had any plastic surgery for many years when it was as plain as the nose on his face (well, when he used to have a nose anyway). It kind of makes you wonder about other things he is denying. When he finally did admit to a few things, it was clear that he was still lying about the amount of surgery he has had over the years. He’s either in denial or he thinks we’re all stupid. Some of his fans might have the brains of a bowl of noodles, but the rest of us are smarter than that.

He has also been complaining again about people acting like he is some kind of freak, but he admitted in his own book that he started some of the old rumors on purpose for publicity. He didn’t and still doesn’t want to be left alone. He wanted people to think that he was strange because he craves attention, positive or negative. For him to whine years later that people are still bringing up those rumors as if he had nothing to do with them is pathetic. Maybe he should read his own book. If you see a small fire then you throw gas on it to make it larger, don’t you think you might be at least partially responsible for what happens next?

You can tell a book by its cover, that’s what covers are for. You can try your best to hide it, but how you are on the inside tends to leak out. It’s hard to hide all of your ‘tells.’ If you are emotionally immature or if you have a certain mental problem, it’s going to show up in your appearance and actions in some way.

If Michael has had something such as Depigmentation Therapy for his Vitiligo which has turned him completely white and pushed his skin past the point where he can no longer use makeup, it’s too bad he doesn’t just make what he has done public. Just as Michael J. Fox has brought attention to Parkinson’s, Michael Jackson could do the same for Vitiligo. He could be the Vitiligo poster boy and help find a cure for it and help children deal with the condition until a cure is discovered. I know that he doesn’t have to, but since he is always wanting us to believe that he is one of the greatest and most loving people on the planet who only wants to help others, especially children, why not do it?

Maybe He’s a Chicken Hawk?

If Michael Jackson is guilty of child molestation (no matter what the jury said), but isn’t an actual pedophile, maybe he’s just gay and likes young men. Just as many straight men like really young teen girls, some gay men also “like ’em young.”

If Michael is gay, he might sprinkle the few young men he likes sexually among thousands of other children that he has no sexual interest in. That way, he has many witnesses who will say that he never did a thing to them. The fact that one of his best friends has directed and produced gay porn videos might be a clue.

Being gay might also explain why he hasn’t molested more young men. If he’s not a child molester of the usual kind police are used to, he might be able to wait many years between sexual encounters since he supposedly keeps pictures and possibly videos of his evil acts to keep him satisfied for many years until the next young man comes along who tickles his fancy. I don’t know what the truth is, but whatever it is, it’s sure to be strange.